Utility Department
The Utility Department phone number has recently changed. Please use the City Hall number to contact the Utility Department during regular business hours at 636-475-4452.
The Utility Department consists of two clerks responsible for utility billing, beginning and ending of utility services, trash services, scheduling building occupancies, and day-to-day internal operations. During regular business hours, residents may use the drive window, located on the North side of the building, to make payments. After hours, residents may use the utility drop box, also located on the North side of the building. Normal working hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
Current Utility Rates
Utility rates are set by ordinance and are increased 1% each year on the first billing cycle. Copies of those ordinances can be found below.
Sewer: $36.60 per month
Trash: $28.50 per month (provided by Waste Management)
Water: $16.02 for 2000 gallons per month. (does not include tax or overage) Water Overage is $4.01 per 1000 gallons.
We are so excited to announce that you can now pay your utility bills online! To start using the system, CLICK HERE
Missy Matlock - Utility Administrator
Jessica Von Talge - Utility Clerk
As the temperature drops, it's important to prevent the water lines from freezing. To avoid any inconvenience, please keep a small, constant drip going in your home and keep cabinet doors open if temperatures get below freezing. This is to prevent water lines from freezing and bursting. If the water lines freeze, it will be nearly impossible for our workers to defrost them. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that we have an uninterrupted water supply during the winter season.
Water Emergency After-Hours and Weekend Charge
Please be informed that homeowners will be charged $75 on their next utility bill if our employees are called in after hours or on the weekend for any kind of water emergency. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter and thank you for your continued support.
401 Main Street
Pevely, MO 63070-0358